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Master Forumla

Master Forumla HersThe Master Formula vitamins are high-quality multivitamin, mineral, and amino acid supplements, manufactured using a special 16-stage Synergistic Suspension Isolation, which separates the antagonistic vitamins and herbs from the synergistic ones so they do not become abrasive and destroy each other's effectiveness. Master Formula contains the amino acid L-phenylalanine, enabling the body to recognize this supplement as a food, allowing for a faster conversion and assimilation.


Vitamin A and beta carotene are powerful antioxidants that support the eyes, hair, and skin. Vitamin D is beneficial for the absorption of calcium, and may prevent liver and kidney dysfunctions. Vitamin E protects the heart and blood and combats free-radical oxidative damage. Vitamin C supports immune function and blood vessel integrity, and combats free-radical damage associated with premature aging. It has been used to treat cataracts, glaucoma, high blood pressure, periodontal disease, eczema, gingivitis, and infections.

Folic acid plays an important role in cardiovascular health. Helps prevent neural tube defects. Thiamin( vitamin B1) is essential for energy production, carbohydrate metabolism, and nerve cell function.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is crucial in the production of cellular energy, helps regenerate the liver, and helps prevent migraine headaches and some esophageal cancers.

Niacin is essential for turning carbohydrates into energy. It lowers cholesterol and helps regulate blood sugar. At least 4.4 mg is needed for every 1,000 calories consumed to avoid pellagra. Vitamin B6 supports immune function and protects the heart and blood vessels. It inhibits skin cancer growth and helps prevent kidney stones and PMS symptoms. Vitamin B6 requires folic acid and magnesium to maximize its effects. Vitamin B12 is critical for red blood cell formation and proper immune and nerve function.

Biotin helps convert fats and amino acids into energy. It promotes healthy nails and hair and combats yeast and fungus overgrowth. Pantothenic acid is needed for the prevention of depression and tinnitus. Choline bitartrate has been used in the treatment of many liver disorders, including elevated cholesterol levels, viral hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Calcium is used primarily for the treatment of conditions associated with osteoporosis, such as bone loss. It is also helpful for elevated blood pressure.

Iodine (kelp) helps prevent goiters, reduced thyroid hormones, and estrogen imbalance. Iron is needed to prevent anemia, fatigue, hemorrhoids, and peptic ulcers. Magnesium is crucial for proper enzyme function and is needed for normal muscle contractions and heart rhythm. High intake can reduce high blood pressure, fight arteriosclerosis, and improve insulin action. Copper is necessary for proper red blood cell and immune function. Zinc is crucial for proper immune function and is needed for proper action of many hormones, including insulin and growth hormone. It helps improve wound healing.

Potassium supports cellular fluid balance and healthy muscle, nerve, heart, and adrenal function. It reduces high blood pressure and balances water distribution. Manganese is needed for blood sugar control, energy metabolism, and proper thyroid function. It is also good for antioxidant activity. Chromium improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar metabolism. Selenium has been extensively researched for its anticancer and antioxidant properties.

Silicon is required for proper functioning of an enzyme that is essential for the formation of collagen in bone, cartilage, and other connective tissues. In a base of betaine HCl, citrus bioflavonoids, L-cysteine, histidine, tyrosine, lysine, arginine, PABA (para amino benzoic acid), molybdenum, and amino acid complex.

Master Formula Children's

A special chewable multivitamin formulated for children in the early growth years and for adult maintenance in late years. It is made with Chinese wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) and grain proteins for added immune support, with beta carotene, vitamin C, amino acids, and stevia.
Essential Oils: Lime (Citrus aurantiifolia) is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and supports cardiovascular function. Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) is antifungal, antispasmodic, and promotes digestion. Orange (Citrus aurantium) has been used as an anticoagulant to reduce flatulence and to stimulate circulation.
Companion Products: Body Balance, Essential Manna, Mineral Essence, Power Meal, and Wolfberry Bars.
Companion Oil Blends: Gentle Baby, Harmony, Joy, Peace & Calming, and White Angelica.
Suggested Use: Chew three tablets daily with breakfast as a dietary supplement.

Master Formula Hers

Master Forumla HisMaster Formula HERS is formulated to specifically help the special nutritional needs of women.
Companion Supplements: AuraLight, Be-Fit, Estro, FemiGen, and VitaGreen.
Companion Oil Blends: Abundance, Dragon Time, Harmony, Joy, Magnify Your Purpose, and Mister.
Suggested Use: For slow metabolism: take three to six tablets daily. For fast metabolism: take six to eight tablets daily. Take ½ the amount before breakfast and ½ before dinner. Best taken before meals.

Free of allergens. Contains no artificial flavors, preservatives, sugar, cornstarch, corn, wheat, yeast, or soy products.

Master Formula His

Master Formula HIS is formulated especially for men.
Companion Supplements: Be-Fit, Essential Manna, Mineral Essence, ProGen, Power Meal, Sulfurzyme, VitaGreen, and Wolfberry Bars.
Companion Oil Blends: Envision, Magnify Your Purpose, Mister, and Sacred Mountain.
Suggested Use: Take three tablets with breakfast and three with lunch (take before meals).

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