
At our center we are seeing a rise in cases of whooping cough. Have had 4 this past month. Our protocol for whooping cough is:

Essential oils -
Lemon in the water to keep the mucus down, RC for the chest for coughing, Thieves diluted with a little olive oil for the chest to fight infection and LEDUM on the throat. Recovery time of 3 months is being cut to just about 10 days.
Thieves and oregano on the feet.
Diffuse Purification, Citrus Fresh, Lemon, RC, Raven or any of the meleleuca in there room. Use Peace and Calming at night.

Herbs -
Garlic oil on the chest an feet as the diluting oil for Thieves and oregano.

Thank you Gary for having the best.

Debra Raybern, BS, MH, CNC, CNHP
NutriTech, 12 Fawn Drive, New Waverly, TX 77358